

Utility for map style benchmarking. Run with -h for details.


Coordinates prerendering process. Accepts a plan (see gopnikprerenderimport) and a config in the following format:

	"Prerender": {
		"UIAddr":   ":8088",
		"Logging": {
		"Slaves": {
				"Plugin":       "ClusterConfigPlugin",
				"PluginConfig": {
						"Nodes":    ["localhost:8095"]
	"MetaSize": 8,
	"TileSize": 256

Config parameters:

Name Type Default value Description
DebugAddr string “:8097” Address for monitoring
UIAddr string “:8088” WebUI address
Threads int 1 set GOMAXPROCS to Threads. -1 for NumCPU
Logging json.RawMessage nil Logging options. See configuration for details
PerfLog string ”” Performance log file
Slaves app.PluginConfig nil Cluster of slaves
RequestTimeout string “1h” Timeout for request to gopnik
NodeQueueSize int 100 Number of parallel requests per node


Tiles copy utility. Accepts a plan (same as for prerendering) and a config in the following format:

	"Copy": {
		"From": {
			"Plugin": "...",
			"PluginConfig": {
		"To": {
			"Plugin": "...",
			"PluginConfig": {
		"Threads": 20,
		"Retries": 3,
		"SkipErrors": false,
		"Logging": {
	"MetaSize": 8,
	"TileSize": 256

Config parameters:

Name Type Default value Description
From app.PluginConfig nil Plugin to copy from
To app.PluginConfig nil Plugin to copy to
Threads int 1 Use Threads connections
Retries int 0 Retries on errors
SkipErrors bool false Do not stop process if error occurs
Logging json.RawMessage nil Logging options. See configuration for details


Performance log analyzer with web UI. Run with -h for details.


Creates plan file for gopnikprerender. Run with -h for details.