Gopnik configuration

Config format

Gopnik uses JSON format for config files with strict-json parsing library. This library disallows unexpected fields inside config sections; fileds starting with # are treated as comments:

	"Normal section": {
		"some": "values"
	"#Ignored section": {
		"some": "values"

One config can be used for all daemons and utilities, or separate configs can be specified. General config structure is:

	"#Daemons configuration": null,
	"Dispatcher": {
	"Render": {
	"Prerender": {

	"#Common configuration": null,
	"MetaSize": 8,
	"TileSize": 256,
	"CachePlugin": {
		"Plugin": "CacheProxyPlugin",
		"PluginConfig": {
	"RenderPools": [

Common options


Dispatcher parameters:

Name Type Default value Description
Addr string “:8080” Main address
DebugAddr string “:9080” Address for monitoring
HTTPReadTimeout string “60s” HTTP client read timeout
HTTPWriteTimeout string “60s” HTTP client write timeout
RequestTimeout string “600s” Timeout for dynamic rendering request
PingPeriod string “30s” Ping gopniks every PingPeriod
Threads int NumCPU set GOMAXPROCS to Threads. -1 for NumCPU
Logging json.RawMessage nil see logging section below
ClusterPlugin app.PluginConfig nil dynamic rendering cluster plugin
FilterPlugin app.PluginConfig nil filter plugin for tags


Name Type Default value Description
Addr string “:8090” Main address
DebugAddr string “:9090” Address for monitoring
Threads int 1 set GOMAXPROCS to Threads. -1 for NumCPU
HotCacheDelay string “0s” Time period after cache set is done and before hot cache drop
Logging json.RawMessage nil see logging section below
PerfLog string ”” Performance log file


Name Type Default value Description
DebugAddr string “:8097” Address for monitoring
UIAddr string “:8088” WebUI address
Threads int 1 set GOMAXPROCS to Threads. -1 for NumCPU
Logging json.RawMessage nil see logging section below
PerfLog string ”” Performance log file
Slaves app.PluginConfig nil Cluster of slaves
RequestTimeout string “1h” Timeout for request to gopnik
NodeQueueSize int 100 Number of parallel requests per node


//There are some kind of plugins: cache, cluster, tag filter and monitoring. //Options requires plugin look like this:

Different kinds of plugins are: cache, cluster, tag filter and monitoring. Some options require plugins to be used. They have the following fields:

	"Plugin": "...",
	"PluginConfig": {

See default plugins description for details.

Render pools

RenderPools section is a list of different renders configuration. Gopnik will use first relevant render from top. Each render pool is discribed by the following parameters:

Name Type Default value Description
Cmd []string nil Slave render command line. See details below
MinZoom uint 0 Minimum allowed zoom
MaxZoom uint 0 Maximum allowed zoom
Tags []string nil Render to be used only when request have all tags from list
PoolSize uint 0 Number of render instances
HPQueueSize uint 0 Size of high priority task queue
LPQueueSize uint 0 Size of task low priority queue
RenderTTL uint 0 Restart render after RenderTTL completed tasks
ExecutionTimeout string ”” Timeout for one request

Slave options

Command line options for default render slave:

Argument Type Default value Description
-stylesheet string ”” Path to mapnik xml stylesheet
-tileSize uint 256 Tile size in pixels
-bufferSize int -1 Size of metatile buffer
-fontsPath []string nil List of font paths
-pluginsPath string nil Mapnik plugins path
-scaleFactor float64 1.0 Scale factor. Commonly equals (slave tile size) / (gopnik’s tile size)
-imageFormat string “png8” Mapnik image format (e.g. “png8” or “png24”)


Each daemon has logging section with followig options:

Name Type Default value Description
Backend string ”” Backend for loggin (“Console”, “Syslog” or empty)
Level string ”” Log level (“Critical”, “Error”, “Warning”, “Notice”, “Info”, “Debug”)
Format string ”[%{level}] %{message}” Log format. See go-logging page for details
Options json.RawMessage nil Backend options

Console backend

Console backend writes log direct to stderr.

Name Type Default value Description
Color bool false Use color output

Syslog backend

Syslog logger backend connects to the syslog daemon using UNIX sockets with given prefix. If prefix is not specified, it will be derived from the launched command.

Name Type Default value Description
Prefix string ”” Syslog prefix

Monitoring exporters

In common section of config you can set list of metric exporters.

	"MonitoringPlugins": [

Only graphite exporter are available by default. Check default plugins description page for details.